Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Silence Is Them "The Intro"

 Silence is the word that best describes the true meaning of them. Silence, not describing a quiet scenery but more so a withholding of realty. A reality that neither one will be willing to admit because of the cause of confusion, fear and pride. Words that are spoken are barely lies however there’s some truth that has not yet been released not even to themselves. For if they speak such words out loud they will both be eager to run away from the one person who makes them feel whole. Being so that they are different in so many ways, they both lack the knowledge on how similar they really are. Maybe They don't have the same mindset or lifestyle however they carry the same heart, Habits and the silent truth that neither one wants to let go of the other. They are both so use to being alone that they began to feeling like they're not good enough to be with someone else nor make them happy. Closing the door to any possibility to ever finding love, they found each other or how they would say their safety net. An agreement that they would live their life as two independent single people but secretly reach out to one another when needing a friend. Little did they know that this safety net would soon become tangled.

      He is a complicated man to describe. A man with secrets that caused him to be so close minded to others. He was cold like a winter night almost like he had zero humanity in him, Yet there was something about her that made him safe, so safe that he was scared.

     From the minute he met her he knew there was something about her that he just couldn't ignore, something unlike any other woman. A series of  Curiosity struct him like never before and he was bound to know more. Although she caught his attention and his curiosity he had zero intentions of pursuing her romantically. What he had in mind,
Not even he was aware of, all he knew was that he enjoyed speaking to her and he just has to know more even if it was just for a night.

(his thought)
   Who is she? Why can't I stop staring at her? She appears to be just an average woman yet there is something about her that screams at me with intensity, I have to find away to get her alone.

   If there was one thing that he got right was the fact that this woman was like no other but little did he know that just like him she was hard to figure out. She had a heart of gold but life caused that heart to be difficult to pursue. No man could ever break the walls that life built around her heart. She would give her life to spare another however there was something about bringing people into her life that caused her be very bitter although you couldn't see it but somehow this man was able to find a leap hole.

   It was from the corner of her eye that he caught her attention. Little did she know that that handsome guy would approach her. There was something about him that made her reacted in a way that she's never had experienced before. A weird feeling of butterflies dancing to her racing heart took over the second he said hello. Although she had a problem with letting people into her life she couldn't imagine parting ways knowing she would never see him again even if it was just for one more conversation.

(Her thoughts)
   Who is he and why am I so nervous? Everything about him feels so wrong yet I can't seem to walk away. There is something about this man that has my attention and I feel as though I need to know who he really is?

To be continued....

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